Here’s a quick preview of the newest issue of The American Historian:

The November 2018 issue of The American Historian features a roundtable and two articles on “Religion and Politics.” John Fea, Laura Gifford, R. Marie Griffith, and Lerone A. Martin discuss the historical beginnings of evangelical support for the Republican party and their continued affinity for president Donald J. Trump. Melissa Borja writes on how American refugee policies affected religious life for the Hmong, and Matt Harper shows the importance of examining black religious ideas during the age of emancipation.
The issue also contains an essay by Marjorie N. Feld and Sky Morgan on teaching trans history in the classroom, and Jonathan Bassett and Gary Shiffman offer advice for secondary teachers on teaching critical thinking skills in history classes. Traci Parker details the history of African American boycotts of department stores during the holiday shopping period, and OAH president Earl Lewis writes on the important partnership of digital initiatives and the humanities.
Finally, we have an article on professional development opportunities at the OAH annual meeting, news from the OAH, and interesting historical facts and tidbits in our Ante and Post sections.
As always, we welcome your comments on both our print and online materials. Please send comments to or tweet us at @TheAmHistorian. Also, please feel to send us any content or ideas for content to the e-mail address above.
For previews of previous issues of The American Historian, see our archived posts.