What’s in the November Issue of The American Historian?


november-2016-coverHere’s a quick preview of the newest issue of The American Historian:

The November 2016 issue of The American Historian features three compelling essays on “The Politics of Motherhood.” Jodi Vandenberg-Daves gives a broad overview of the changing conceptions and challenges of motherhood throughout the twentieth century. Jennifer L. Holland traces the history of the pro-life movement in the United States and argues that pro-life activists moved the fetus into the spotlight while backgrounding the plight of pregnant women. Finally, Megan A. Sholar discusses the history of family leave policies in the United States and shows why America is one of the only countries in the entire world that does not have some form of guaranteed paid maternal leave.

The issue also includes a piece by David Arnold on the realities and potential difficulties professors face­—especially those at community or teaching intensive institutions—of implementing the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in the classroom. Barbara Keys offers a joint review of two recent books on Henry Kissinger written by Niall Ferguson and Greg Grandin and shows how the two authors came to such disparate conclusions despite using the same source evidence. Finally, Bonnie Traymore enthusiastically demonstrates how history teachers can benefit from the recent Hamilton: the Musical craze. We also have an essay from OAH president Nancy F. Cott on the historical role of the First Lady, news from the OAH, a preview of the upcoming OAH annual meeting in New Orleans, and interesting historical facts and tidbits in our Ante and Post sections.

As always, we welcome your comments on both our print and online materials. Please send comments to theamericanhistorian@oah.org or tweet at us at @TheAmHistorian. Also, please feel to send us any content or ideas for content to the e-mail address above.


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