Top, left to right: Destruction of the Tea in Boston Harbor (courtesy Wikimedia Commons), gay rights demonstration at the Democratic National Convention, New York City, July 11, 1976 (photo by Warren K. Leffler, courtesy Wikimedia Commons), Republican National Convention, September 1–4, 2008, protest signs against Republican policies outside the Capitol Building, St. Paul, Minnesota (photo by Carol M. Highsmith, courtesy Wikimedia Commons). Bottom, left to right: Sioux Falls women’s suffrage parade float, July 4, 1918 (courtesy Wikimedia Commons), outside the Pentagon, 1967, line of youth protesting Vietnam War stand before line of military police (photo by S.Sgt. Albert R. Simpson, Department of Defense, courtesy Wikimedia Commons).
Process invites proposals and submissions for an upcoming series on protests in U.S. history. We are open to a variety of themes relating to the histories of political protest in the United States. This could include a wide-range of protest movements, from the marches and picket lines for women’s suffrage to protests over military drafts, the “sip-ins” in Greenwich Village to the Stonewall Uprising in the summer of 1969. Articles could be centered around boycotts and sit-ins during the Civil Rights movement, protests over the Vietnam War, or more recent protest movements such as Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter.
We are also interested in articles that reveal the diverse forms that protests have taken in U.S. history, from traditional picket lines to marches, civil disobedience, riots, boycotts, lawsuits, artistic, and everyday forms of protest that often go unnoticed. We encourage pieces that engage in global, transnational, or comparative perspectives and consider political protest across and beyond borders. We accept submissions from anyone engaged in the practice of U.S. history, including researchers, teachers, graduate students, archivists, curators, public historians, digital scholars, and others.
Submissions should be written for a public readership and should not exceed 1500 words. We will look to publish pieces in late 2023, but are open to submissions past that point. Send proposals and drafts to blog@oah.org.