Top, left to right: “The Big Stick in the Caribbean Sea,” 1904 (William Allen Rogers, courtesy Wikimedia Commons), Staff of the United Fruit Company pose for their picture in Jamaica, around the 1910s (originally published in Jamaica via the Great White Fleet, by United Fruit Company, 1913, courtesy Wikimedia Commons), a Cuban poster featuring Che Guevara in the Guerrillero Heroico pose, advertising the 1969 Tricontinental Conference (Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America, courtesy Wikimedia Commons), Coup of September 11, 1973, bombing of La Moneda, Santiago,Chile (Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Chile, courtesy Wikimedia Commons). Second row, left to right: handbill distributed by U.S. Forces during the invasion of Grenada, October 26, 1983 (courtesy Wikimedia Commons).
To reflect on the fiftieth anniversary of the 1973 Chilean coup, and the U.S. role in Latin America more broadly, Process invites proposals and submissions for an upcoming series on U.S. intervention in Latin America.
We are open to a wide variety of themes relating to the histories of the United States in Latin America, including forms and methods of U.S. imperialism, transregional solidarities and activisms, and historical interpretations of contemporary developments. Submissions might explore U.S.–Latin American relations and diplomacy, examine challenges to different forms of colonialism and the meanings of sovereignty, or interrogate the nature of U.S. empire in the region in any time period. We encourage pieces that engage in global, transnational, or comparative perspectives, that critically examine definitions of intervention and empire, and that intersect with issues of race, gender, sexuality, culture, sovereignty, the environment, technology, migration, or politics. We accept submissions from anyone engaged in the practice of U.S. history, including researchers, teachers, graduate students, archivists, curators, public historians, digital scholars, and others.
Submissions should be written for a public readership and should not exceed 1500 words. We will look to publish pieces in late 2023, but are open to submissions past that point. Send proposals and drafts to blog@oah.org.