Mexican American women working at Friedrich Refrigeration, Nov. 8, 1942. Via Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons License.
In honor of Women’s History Month, we are pleased to reissue the JAH Women’s History Index. First published in 2020, the index includes every article of women’s history printed in this journal since its inception as the Mississippi Valley Historical Review more than one hundred years ago.
Consisting of 165 entries, the index was created collaboratively by JAH staff. We limited our search to articles, an imprecise category that expanded to include roundtables, special forums, and presidential addresses from the annual meetings of the Organization of American Historians. For the sake of manageability, we purposefully excluded thousands of book, film, and exhibition reviews. Finally, to maintain a focus on women’s history, we also opted to omit many excellent works on closely related topics such as manhood and masculinity, or gender more broadly. Notwithstanding these guidelines, each staff member ultimately had to make tough decisions about what material to add to the index and what material to leave off. For these reasons, we consider the index a work in progress. We apologize for any inadvertent omissions, and we welcome recommendations for addition.
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